Dwars door Vlaanderen 2024 Route
Distance | 188.6 kilometres |
Start | Roeselare, Belgium |
Finish | Waregem, Belgium |
Start time | 12:15 CET |
Finish time | 16:31 CET |
This year's route at 188.6 kilometres is 5km longer than in 2023, and as usual starts in Roeselare and finishes in Waregem, which is only around 20km away on the other side of the motorway. However, in between they head into the heart of the Flemish Ardennes for a string of cobbles and climbs in the playground that hosts these much-loved Belgian Classics.
A flat start should see a breakaway form before the peloton hits the 'hill zone' after 52km, starting with the Hellestraat. The route includes the double passage on the Côte de Trieu, the Hotond, Nokereberg and Berg Ten Houte.
Cobblestone sections include the Huisepontweg, the Maria Borrestraat - twice - and the Herlegemstraat which, just like Nokereberg, is part of the local lap in Waregem.
The course for the 2024 Dwars door Vlaanderen includes a total of 12 climbs, one more than the previous year, and eight cobblestone sections.
Dwars door Vlaanderen - Everything you need to know
Dwars Door Vlaanderen 2024 climbs
- Hellestraat, 52km
- Volkegemberg, 71.2km
- Hotond, 88.1km
- Knokteberg-Trieu, 95.5km
- Kortekeer, 103.2km
- Berg Ten Houte, 117km
- Kanarieberg, 122.7km
- Knokteberg-Trieu, 135.7km
- Hotond, 139.3km
- Ladeuze, 150.5km
- Nokereberg, 166.8km
- Nokere, 179.4km
Dwars Door Vlaanderen 2023 cobbled sectors
- Varentstraat, 55.1km
- Holleweg, 71.7km
- Maria Borrestraat, 105.4km
- Maria Borrestraat, 145.8km
- Doorn, 159.2km
- Huisepontweg, 161.7km
- Herlegemstraat, 169.5km
- Herlegemstraat, 182.3km
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